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This channel was started for an educational purpose only not for FINANCIAL INVESTMENT, and i am teaching how to analyze the forex and commodities market and how i am trading them according to my personal view with ELLIOTT WAVE theory(view may change for each Elliottician trader not the same view as mine). You can learn Elliott waves and even i can also learn more from the experienced trader through comments in my post about Elliott waves…i keep learning the market everyday. I wont trade according to fundamental, sentiment. I will trade, trading and traded with 100% technical only what i learnt from the books, video clips and some personal experiences. So this channel is fully based on Elliott waves and technicals only. My ambition is to create a awareness to the traders who losing still, and lost the money because they treating this business like a gambling. I AM NOT ASKING ANY INVESTMENTS .So, be cautious and be aware of the fraudsters… I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSSES IF U TOOK THE TRADE ACCORDING TO MY TRADE PLANS explained here