Wealth is just built different. Wealth is unlimited resources, to be able to do without constriant. Forex can unlock TRUE WEALTH if you allow your resources to work for you, and BUILD over time.
Here are the steps to becoming wealthy:
1. Gratitude (0:00-1:42)
* attitude of gratitude, be thankful 🙂
2. Be Assertive (1:43-2:40)
* take control, stand firm, make up your mind, then do it.
3. Three C’s (2:42-3:40)
* Catch it, Check it, Change it
4. Build your NETWORK (3:44-5:40)
* your network is your networth
5. Outwork, Then SMARTWORK 5:41-8:01
*you can work hard and smart at the same time. Delegate.